Insights from corporates and start-ups in a Future of mobility context - by Tryg

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 9:05 AM to 9:35 AM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Research Track
Panel Debate
Financial ServicesInnovationPartnerships


Participate when Tryg talks about partnerships with Swiss Re, Gomore and Imove and learning from their focus on the future of mobility in insurance and what considerations, dilemmas and findings they have made in collaboration with partners. 

We ask the question of how to find the right partners when the ambition includes everything from a sustainable agenda to a data-driven customer journey? And what about, social responsibility in the ecosystem in relation to safety, prevention and climate and why Tryg has chosen to focus on Mobility in The Camp (Tryg's co-working space in their headquarters) for the rest of 2020 and how they want to get in involved in the startup community?

Host: Tryg NBCI

Facilitator: Line Dalsfort (Senior Innovation Lead at Tryg NBCI)  

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