Connect Summit: Technical Support & Help Desk
Help Desk
You have a question? Some technical issues? We're here to help!
Technical questions: Swapcard Support
There will be a chat box in this Help Desk for all of your questions! The Help Desk chat will be open during the following days and times:
June 16: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
June 17: 7:30 AM - 12:00 AM CDT
What time zone is the event in?
Central Daylight Time
How does the agenda work?
The “Agenda” tab displays all the sessions in the event. You can easily register for sessions by clicking on the calendar logo.
Note: You can refine your search by using filters located on the left of the screen.
The “My Event” tab allows you to see your own schedule. You can find the sessions for which you’ve registered, the exhibitors you have bookmarked, as well the contacts you have connect with through the event.
You can export your program by clicking on “Export to my calendar or Download PDF”.
How do I network?
On the homepage of the event, you can access the Attendee lists.
This is a great tool for identifying people you want to meet. Don’t hesitate to contact them through the application to network and connect via chat and video call.
How to send a connection request?
To send a connection request to a person, go to their profile (via the list of participants, speakers, or a company profile) and click on “Send connection request”.
Tip: We encourage you to write a message when sending your connection request to introduce yourself and explain the reason for the connection. People enjoy a personal greeting!
You’ll find all the people you have been in contact with during an event in the “My Event” button, “My Contacts” tab. This list can be exported as an Excel document.