Bread & Bread products in Italy (2023) – Market Sizes
Bread & Bread products – Italy by Mintel Market Sizes provides you with annual year-end market size data, most recently updated in 2023. This market covers packaged white and non-white bread, savoury specialty breads and savoury pastries & pies. Market size comprises sales through all retail channels including direct to consumer.This market covers packaged white and non-white bread, specialty breads and savoury pastries & pies. Market size comprises sales through all retail channels including direct to consumer. It includes sales through in store bakeries unless stated otherwise. Market size for Bread & Bread products – Italy is given in EUR and tonne with a minimum of five years’ historical data. Market Forecast is provided for five years. Included with this snapshot is socio-economic data for Italy. Population, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rates.