Searching for Chinook



Our story is one of friendship, family, fight and struggle but most importantly, inspiration and hope.

Alex, Maisie and Maria are a small team working to create a documentary that will inspire people worldwide to take action and prevent the extinction of the Southern resident killer whales. This mesmerising population are one of 10 genetically distinct ecotypes of orcas in the world. They are and always have been a figurehead species for both visitors and residents of the Pacific Northwest alike. However, facing numerous threats to their existence, they were listed as an endangered species in 2005 with a dangerously low population and yet have continued to decline since. WE as humans are impacting their environment at such a level that we have almost completely depleted the main food source that these orcas rely on - Chinook salmon.

Why aren't they recovering?

What more can be done?

Why , when so many of the solutions are clear, is effective action not being taken?

Together, we want to bring you up close and personal with this family of whales, the challenges they are facing, the people who are dedicating their lives to saving them and those that are determining their fate.

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