Climate Bonds Initiative Training Academy
Conference Organiser
Since 2018, the Climate Bonds Initiative Training Academy has empowered professionals in finance and sustainability to harness the potential of green finance as a tool to support our transition to a low-carbon economy. Answering the need expressed by many to stay abreast of the latest developments in sustainable finance, Climate Bonds Initiative has developed a series of leading training options to empower the next generation of sustainable finance leaders to take action.
We offer private and public training sessions, in-person and online, CPD-certified and tailored courses. We will be delighted to present you with our training opportunities.
Reach out to us at training@climatebonds.net and be part of the sustainable finance movement.
If you cannot wait to learn more about taxonomies and the thematic labelled bond market, we have two upcoming public courses still in 2022:
Deep Dive in Taxonomies 17 and 18 November
As the first organisation worldwide to create a Green Taxonomy, the Climate Bonds Initiative has structured a comprehensive course to overview existing classification systems. This Deep Dive presents the various approaches that have been developed as of now and the different objectives that are being sought through these instruments. It also provides an international overview and comparison by presenting global taxonomy developments based on the Climate Bonds Initiative’s experience developing its taxonomy and supporting other significant taxonomies worldwide. Additionally, it aims at helping market participants and other stakeholders better understand these tools, their usage, structure, etc., and help policymakers and the regulatory community in their reflections on the pertinence of classification systems.
Check out this feedback from a previous participant: "As an engineer... the course helped me to understand the other side of the taxonomy process, mainly financial and use of proceeds, what facilitates the conversation and help to financial areas of companies." Environmental Specialist
Register here.
GSS + Bonds Training 22, 23 and 24 November - First public delivery
Cognizant of the rapid growth and relevance of the labelled bond market and bearing in mind the strong appetite for these innovative debt instruments, the Climate Bonds Initiative has revamped its signature Green Bond Training and structured a comprehensive course on Green, Social, Sustainability, Sustainability-linked and Transition bonds (GSS+) for a variety of professionals eager to acquire broad knowledge on these tools. Climate Bond Initiative’s GSS+ Bonds Training blends a set of elements and information which aim at providing an overview of thematic labelled bonds in a thorough and robust manner.
Register here.