Rick et Les Bons Moments

Rick et Les Bons Moments



Rick et les Bons Moments, this is the challenge launched by producer and multi-instrumentalist Éric 'Rick' Blanchard to make his debut in the young fifties. After 25 years of professional support and dedicated work with many artists of the Canadian music scene on various projects over the last 25 years (Pépé, Mordicus, Les Chercheurs d'Or, Raton Lover), the idea of jumping without a net or expectations into a solo project took shape in early 2018. To capture the essence of the project and render the energy conveyed by his songs, he surrounded himself with solid musicians like Maxence Cormier (Les Hôtesses d'Hilaire) and Ben Claveau (Bodh'aktan), ensuring himself the producing part with Éric Dion (Dans l'shed). Crowned Future iHeartRadio star of the month in July 2020, his first single ‘’Parké sul’ flat’’ toured on nearly 60 Francophone radio stations and remained in the top 25 BDS for several weeks. After a well-furnished fall with the release of a first music video, ‘’TDAH’’, accumulating more than 68 000 views, and the release of his critically acclaimed debut solo album, Rick et les Bons Moments opens once again the doors of his universe with a short film signed by Julien Falardeau. Through the musical film Le Boréalais, with transparency and simplicity, he presents his journey between two realities; his life in the small village of Sainte-Rita and in the metropolis. Follow his adventure in the next episodes, which will be released until February 16th 2021.
Target audiences
All audiences
Medium format
North America

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