Mermaid Theatre of Nova Sotia

Mermaid Theatre of Nova Sotia

Mermaid Theatre of Nova Sotia
Mermaid Theatre of Nova Sotia


Based in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Mermaid Theatre offers original adaptations of children’s literature that have reached more than four million young people on four continents. Founded in 1972, the company is one of North America’s most renowned children’s theatre companies. It is recognized around the world as a leading cultural ambassador. Mermaid performs frequently throughout North America and has performed in Mexico, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Holland, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. She has won export awards of merit from both Nova Scotia and the federal government in recognition of her economic and cultural contributions. In 2008, the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry recognized her with the Crystal Ambassador Award. Each year, the company performs in front of more than 200,000 people. It is currently one of Canada’s most successful touring companies in the world. Agence Station bleue represents The Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia in Asia.
Target audiences
Familly show (young audience)
Medium format
North America
Windsor NS

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