Meïkhâneh / Chants du dehors, chants du dedans (new album 2022)

Meïkhâneh / Chants du dehors, chants du dedans (new album 2022)

Meïkhâneh / Chants du dehors, chants du dedans (new album 2022)
Meïkhâneh / Chants du dehors, chants du dedans (new album 2022)
Meïkhâneh / Chants du dehors, chants du dedans (new album 2022)


Meïkhâneh’s compositions are fed by imagination, improvisation and traditional music from Europe, Mongolia and Iran. The luminous and captivating voices carry the power of East European singings, the aerial melodies of the great spaces, as well as the depth of the khöömii, Mongolian overtone singing. One can hear traveling cords recalling the steppes of Asia and Andalusia. The chiseled rhythms of percussion draw on the Persian tradition. Meïkhâneh takes us to the heart of a music without borders that caresses the soul. Its name borrowed from Persian poetry means the «House of Intoxication». We let ourselves be carried… Four years after "La Silencieuse" (Buda Musique 2017), since June 2020, Meïkhâneh has been preparing a new album: "Chants du dehors, chants du dedans" (provisional title). Further affirming the Persian and Mongolian influences of its aesthetic, always borrowing from the imagination, the trio explores the theme of interiority and exteriority, of the cocoon and the vast world, of what is felt and what is said. To be released on Buda Musique label in January 2022. Recording and mixing at Studio du Faune by Bob Coke (Ben Harper, Souad Massi, Mukta, Daby Touré, Moriarty, Bashung, Noir Désir, JL Aubert, Jeff Beck, etc.) Maria Laurent vocals, tovshuur lute, morin khuur fiddle Johanni Curtet overtone khöömii singing, throat singing, guitar, dombra lute Milad Pasta zarb, daf, udu percussions Concert References: Opening act of Susheela Raman, Titi Robin, Trio Chemirani, Natacha Atlas, Las Hermanas Caronni / Bonlieu-scène nationale d’Annecy, musée des Confluences, Festival Là ! C’est de la musique (Avignon OFF), Les Suds à Arles, Étonnants Voyageurs, Joutes musicales de Printemps, Les Détours de Babel, le Sunset, Into the Wild Summer Festival (UK), Woodburner Music Nights (UK), Festival Les Nuits du Monde, l’Alhambra (CH), Le bout du monde (CH), tournée Klangkosmos (DE)… Press References: fRoots, Songlines, BBC, TWMC, WNYC, PRX, PBS, Mundofonias, RTS...
Target audiences
All audiencesFamilly show (young audience)
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Routes NomadesIt's been 15 years since Routes Nomades  has been developing musical and heritage projects around khöömii (Mongolian overtone singing). Started our adventure on the paths of Mongolia, from Ulaanbaatar to the High Altai, we have explored different musical horizons on the way since 2006; until the edition of the first Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii (2017), through the elaboration of the nomination file of the Mongolian Traditional Art of Khöömii on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, UNESCO (inscribed in 2010). Inviting Mongolian artists every year since 2006, we organized more than a hundred concerts, over fifty workshops of overtone singing and produced 4 CDs with Buda Musique (Music from the World Collection) and Pan Records (Ethnic Series Collection) labels. With all these adventures, a French filmmaker Jean-François Castell made the documentaries “Masters of Overtone singing” (2010) which won multiple awards and recently "Journey Into Khöömii" (2018). Since June 2018 Routes Nomades  is an ONG accredited by UNESCO. Frequent artistic advice for the projects related to overtone singing: Fes Festival of World Sacred Music, Morocco (2013, 2016); Théâtre de la Ville-Abesses, Paris (2009, 2010, and 2013); Les Orientales Festival, St-Florent-le-Vieil (2006, 2013); Le rêve de l'Aborigène Festival, Airvault (since 2006 to present). References: Fes Festival of World Sacred Music, Morocco; Théâtre de la Ville-Abesses, Paris; Musée du quai Branly, Paris; Les Orientales Festival, St-Florent-le-Vieil; Opera de Rennes; Opera de Lille; Opera de Lyon; Les Détours de Babel Festival; Les Suds à Arles Festival; Førde International Folk Music festival, Norway; Ravenna Festival, Italy; EtnoKrakow Festival, Krakow; Classica-Evora Festival, Portugal; Le Reve de l'aborigène Festival, Airvault; Les Escales, St-Nazaire; Mongolian Traditional Music Festival, Musée des Arts Asiatiques de Nice; Musiques d’Ici et d’Ailleurs Festival, Châlons-en-Champagne; Alliance Française of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar; Les Nuits de la Voix Festival, L’espal, Le Mans; Albert Kahn Museum, Boulogne-Billancourt…

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