Cirque Alfonse: ANIMAL - A Farm Tale

Cirque Alfonse: ANIMAL - A Farm Tale

Cirque Alfonse: ANIMAL - A Farm Tale
Cirque Alfonse: ANIMAL - A Farm Tale
Cirque Alfonse: ANIMAL - A Farm Tale


Cirque Alfonse has been working on a new show entitled ANIMAL: A Farm Tale since early in 2020 preparing for a World Premiere at the Montreal Complètement Cirque festival in July 2020… that was, of course, cancelled because of the pandemic... and is now scheduled for July 2nd at the 2021 edition of Montreal Complètement Cirque.. On this occasion, the creators of TIMBER, BARBU and TABARNAK take the audience on a journey to discover a somewhat re-invented agricultural world. In ANIMAL, the farm is turned upside down and the barn turned inside out! A gentleman-farmer has surrounded himself with some familiar but slightly bizarre creatures: the chickens have teeth, the ducks are slightly menacing and the cows are kicking up a fuss. In this "farm fantasy", the imagination conjures up stories from childhood. Rural life turns out to be energetic as well as poetic. Cliches are joyfully turned on their head as the production appeals to young and old with both its atmospheric lyricism and its acrobatic prowess. Yet again, Cirque Alfonse has favoured its multidisciplinary approach where circus, song, dance and theatre all come together, the driving the production being the original live music ... an irresistible mix of trad and soul that the troupe calls 'agricultural funk!
Target audiences
All audiencesFamilly show (young audience)
Large formatMedium formatSmall formatIn Situ
North America

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