Cattle Eye

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CattleEye, an ‘AI first’ company, have harnessed the capabilities of advanced Artificial Intelligence in video analytics to deliver the world’s first hardware independent autonomous livestock monitoring platform.

We provide a completely new way of monitoring and gaining insights on dairy cows simply by walking them under a security camera connected to the Internet. Our completely hands-free solution will monitor a cow’s welfare and performance without the need for collars or pedometers that need regular maintenance and commissioning. 

To use the system a low cost security camera is mounted over the exit race of a milking parlour and connected to the Internet. Artificial intelligence algorithms in the cloud will then start learning how to uniquely identify the cows in the herd, monitoring welfare and an increasing number of other behaviours. These insights are then delivered back to a smartphone and/or integrated with popular farm management systems such as Dairycomp.

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