Host - Risk Management

Host - Risk Management


Information Risk Management Inc. is an agriculture commodity marketing and price risk management adviser for North American farmers, producers, and agribusinesses. The goal for the Risk Management team is to maximize farm profitability while reducing risk! Commodity futures such as corn futures, soybean futures, wheat futures, hog futures, cattle futures, and canola futures can have a major impact on farm profitability. Risk Management is not a broker, instead the team provides commodity risk advice. Risk Management works with producers as advisers in the marketing/selling of crops and/or livestock, such as market hogs, as well as during the purchase of feed inputs for livestock (hogs and livestock). The team's analysis provides subscribers with insightful information needed to make informed decisions and increase profit margins on the family farm. Risk Management always works in the best interest of individual farmers and recognizes that every producer's business and risk tolerances are unique. Our track record speaks for itself! NEW is our mobile marketing app for IOS and Android smart phones. Have access to all the info you need 24/7 in the palm of your hands! Try an 8-week free trial subscription at Twitter Account is @FarmsMarketing

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