Ultra Flex-Pen

Keep your calves healthy and happy with the next generation of the Flex-Pen! The center panel can be removed for ULTRA versatility for either single or group calf housing.
These pens are also modular for ULTRA flexibility. Add on single pens for individual calf housing, or combine it with group pens – all in the same row.
Separate water and feed buckets and bottles, as well as molded calf dividers, help prevent cross-contamination. And the lighter weight construction is easy to keep clean and even easier to move!
• Ultra lightweight for easy setup and cleaning without jeopardizing durability
• Single Front and Rear Panels
• Self-aligning panels use EZ-Glide Connection Tabs and Hinges for easy and quick setup
• Ultra bio-secure
• Ultra rear rotary venting has no steel wire to rust, fully-adjustable air flow control, and no separate parts to lose or store
• Integrated sliding side panel vents for additional air control and meets European regulations
• Individual penning used to maximize pens per room size
• Individual pens interlock together for a clean line of calf spaces
• Center panels can be removed to create a group penning option for as many calves as desired
• Ultra pen access with a bi-swing front door for maximum flexibility
• Large ergonomically-designed door handle
• Ultra Flex-Pen panels available in a 5′, 6′, and 7′ lengths to fit any size barn operation and allows for optimum calf space
• Modular Freestanding penning means no post or install to floor (keep adding to it; no fasteners to install on floor)
• Units can also be wall mounted using our optional wall mounting bracket
Animal ComfortCalf Rearing