
ALPINE® Brand Liquid Fertilizers

Introduced to the Canadian marketplace in 1973, ALPINE brand liquid fertilizers are the leaders in liquid in-furrow starter technology. We are currently introducing a line of patent pending potassium products containing K-Tech®, a more efficient source of potassium that offers the highest plant absorption rate of any potash fertilizer in the market.  In addition, ALPINE brand products also include slow release nitrogen fertilizers, micronutrients, and a variety of specialty products.

From the company’s inception ALPINE has been a strong proponent of the principles of 4R nutrient stewardship and maximizing fertilizer efficiency. Along with this strong agronomic background comes practical hands-on experience and expertise in the area of application equipment. This expertise is supported by Canada’s largest inventory of parts and accessories specifically designed for planters, drills and seeders.

Sales, marketing and research of ALPINE brand products is focused on the grower, with products distributed through progressive and innovative retailers in the marketplace. Eastern Canada production is done at New Hamburg, Ontario and is backed up by six other North American facilities and a series of strategically placed storage depots. 

Product Categories
Fertilizers, Storage & Equipment

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