Turmhaus, Tirol
Residential Interiors

A wooden residential tower surrounded by idyllic mountain scenery
The Turmhaus Tirol is located at the entrance to the Gerlos valley near Zell am Ziller in Austria, at a proud altitude of over 1,200 metres. This tower-like building with an area of 8 x 8 metres is positioned close to the top of its plot. The building is divided into six storeys. The three lower floors are made of concrete and dug into the ground to form its foundations. Its concrete core is the supporting element of this wooden building structure. There are three more floors above this with living, dining and sleeping areas in timber construction. Residents and visitors gain access via outside stairs down the hillside or though the underground garage via a staircase that ascends two floors.
The Turmhaus is equipped with smart KNX technology from JUNG. With the LS 990 switch design in Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier in 32142 ombre naturelle claire, the electric installation fits in seamlessly with the interior decoration. Especially in its flush mounted LS ZERO variation integrated into the wooden walls, this smart technology has become a design element.