Loft Apartment, Vienna
Residential Interiors

The desire for a discrete, harmonious colour design was possible to realise professionally and in an uncomplicated manner with the Architectural Polychromy and the products from the Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier manufacturer.
The pearl grey as an alternative to white distinguishes many walls and ceilings, as well as light switches and sockets. The combination of the different grey tones creates a plastic depth. In contrast to white, the grey tones appear less illuminated, and the rooms give the effect of being more airy and higher as a result. In addition, two further rooms are combined in a light ultramarine and umbra. The ultramarine opens up the room and shifts walls and objects into the distance. The umbra colour tone stabilises itself in the room and unfolds its effect in the background and expresses the neighbouring white surface to advantage. The selected colours give the apartment a special and calming atmosphere. The different colour tones express feelings of aquatic landscapes, sea and sky and even Mediterranean associations such as sand, beach and sun.
The apartment is equipped with the JUNG LS 990 design classics in gris clair and outremer pâle. The architectural planning as well as interior design and colour design was carried out by the client.