MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!

MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!

MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!
MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!
MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!
MDS 22 Litre Autoclave package deal- SAVE £481!


MDS Medical 22 Litre Autoclave with auto drain add-on function board Class B Autoclave Autorun Adjustable sterilising time Quick cycle Maintains temperature for next cycle B&D Test and Helix Test Easy to maintain Printer LCD display Sterilising temperature 121°C/134°C Wrapped or unwrapped ​9 Litre Ultra Sonic cleaner Normal and soft power control Degas function Adjustable time setting Adjustable temperature control User-friendly, clear panel controls Memory function LED display High performance transducer ​RO Purified Water System (Reverse Osmosis) Supplies 3L of RO Water every 20 minutes Requires no tools for filter changes User friendly Usually fitted under sink unit Fittings included Automatically fills Autoclave from RO water System Automatically drains water from dirty tank Time saving feature ​ Bottle of Autoclave cleaner For the routine maintenance of all bench top Autoclaves An effective alkaline solution especially formulated to work in steam to remove all internal grease & grime whilst preventing formulation of harmful scale deposits. Concentrate dilutes with water @ 2% Each litre of cleaner concentrate makes up 50 litres of in use solution £3,928.50 +VAT
AutoclavesDecontaminationLaboratory EquipmentPractice management softwareSmall EquipmentSterilizationUltrasonics
Special offer
Special offer details
Save £481.50 when bought as a package deal
MDS Medical Ltd- The Autoclave PeopleMDS Medical are a family run business and we supply a wide range of autoclaves and decontamination solutions and equipment.  We operate in the dental, veterinary, podiatry, cosmetic, tattoo and body piercing markets within the UK, Europe and other selected countries around the world. Designed and engineered in Britain with the highest quality components, we provide the most efficient and effective way to comply with local and international guidelines and regulations for instrument sterilisation. Our products fully comply with all current legislation.  Practitioners currently face increased legislation, continued monitoring and control, evidence based Health & Safety, decreasing budgets, and tighter margins. MDS Medical are able to offer cost efficient supply and service solutions to take care of your sterilisation needs. ​The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulations Agency (MHRA) states that sterilisers should be maintained and validated periodically also stated in HTM 01-05  to ensure that they produce consistent sterilising conditions, according to DB2002(06). In line with this, we provide servicing with calibration and certified evidence for Environmental Health and patient safety, as well as written scheme of examinations for safety devices under the pressure system safety regulations 2000.  ​It is imperative that vital equipment is regularly serviced and maintained. If a breakdown occurs, the consequences to your business can be serious, particularly if you have no maintenance cover and cannot reach an engineer. 

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