Join the NASDAL team! Free expert advice – how often can you get that from an accountant and lawyer?
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
Business of dentistry
Duing the online roundtable you'll get to switch on your camera, ask your most pressing questions to the speakers, and even share your own experiences. You'll also meet the other audience members. Make the most of this opportunity to network, share & exchange!
This interactive roundtable invites peers to join in on a discussion with the NASDAL team and ask the questions that matter to you.
- Buying a practice - what you need to know
- 2021 Budget - now the dust has settled, what will it mean for you?
- Selling your practice - What you need to consider now
- Associate status - HMRC, workers and so on.
CPD Certified