Kunzea Essential Oil
Raw materials for Perfumery
The Kunzea ambigua or white kunzea is a shrub in the family Myrtaceae. Kunzea a
native plant to Australia is sourced primarily from wild crafted stock in the North-East
of Tasmania, including the pristine environment of Finders Islands. Kunzea is also
harvested in a sustainable way, from a private and reserved land under license. It is
trimmed and allowed to regrow for future harvesting. Kunzea ambigua is a small- to
medium-sized spreading shrub that may reach 5 m, both in height and width. Its bark
is fibrous and furrowed, while the narrow lanceolate green leaves are 0.5–1.3 cm in
length and 0.2 cm wide, with hairy new growth. The white flowers are 1.2 cm in diameter
and sweetly fragrant. The stamens are longer than the petals. The leaves are steam
distilled producing Kunzea Essential Oil. The pure essential oil has been recognized by
the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for topical application due to its
ant-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-septic properties.