Timut Pepper Organic Oil

Timut Pepper Organic Oil

Raw materials for Perfumery


The Zanthoxylum alatum also called “winged prickly ash” or “Timut pepper”, is a plant in the Rutaceae family. It is native to parts of East and Southeast Asia, and the north of the Indian sub-continent and naturalized in several regions. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree with pinnate leaves. The leaves have winged petioles, 3 to 5 broadly lanceolate sessile leaflets and are 3-7 cm long. The inflorescence forms axillary racemes with yellowish flowers. The fruit is a reddish follicle that turns blackish. The branchlets and leaves have prickles/ spines. The shrub flowers in Nepal from April to May, while the fruit is available all year round. Timut pepper fruit is used as a spice and to obtain the essential oil by distillation. The oil is used in skincare, in aromatherapy and for perfume creations.

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