Applying the PEGASUS approach to automation for the urban environment

Thursday, December 10, 2020 8:08 AM to 8:30 AM · 22 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Verification and validation, homologation and standards - improving safety and reducing development time


The PEGASUS project developed and demonstrated a method for the validation of automated driving functions for the highway domain. Two projects currently elaborate on this approach and apply it to the far more complex urban environment. Simulation is supposed to provide the bulk of evidence for the homologation of the vehicles. For that, the simulation must be adaptable to various tasks in the verification and validation chain. And, of course, the simulation results must be validated. One project, SET Level 4-5, is developing simulation technology based on a modular architecture with standardized interfaces. The other, VVMethoden, covers the full development lifecycle and employs simulation technology. The talk will present the intended role of the simulation and the projects' approach to providing the technology with the desired features.

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