ADAS/AD development and data management – are you ready to leverage the cloud?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:40 AM to 10:05 AM · 25 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Managing the big data requirements of autonomous vehicle development


Development of AD/ADAS is a massively complex process, requiring the management of vast data sets. In turn, this leads to subsequent iterative development using HiL/SiL performance testing against defined test cases, and the development of real-time inference engines. A growing development ecosystem, including toolchains, algorithms, public training decks, annotation services and more is coming but requires carefully managed security and access to highly valuable, company-confidential information. An approach that offers access to multiple public cloud services at the lowest cost but with the greatest agility is essential to take a leading position in this highly competitive market. This webinar will discuss best-in-class methodologies for leveraging public cloud, shedding light on the tradeoffs and technical roadblocks introduced and how to avoid them.

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