Coordination of R&I and pilot activities in Europe: how can we learn in order to scale up?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 9:00 AM to 9:25 AM · 25 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
The road to safe autonomous driving – a common goal


Many research and innovation, testing and piloting activities are being carried out independently across Europe either through EU-funded consortia projects or at the national level driven by member states, industry or public-private partnerships. The lack of alignment and common approaches often results in duplications or overlaps, prevents comparability of results and the development of interoperable solutions, and hampers the harmonized deployment of CAD in Europe. In an effort to facilitate the exchange of lessons learned and best practices, as well as the identification of synergies and gaps between projects, the EU-funded ARCADE Coordination and Support Action has set up a comprehensive knowledge base on CAD-related activities in Europe and beyond, which is currently being populated in collaboration with the EU CCAM Single Platform. The project is also organizing concertation events to support consensus-building across stakeholders on methodologies or the identification of next R&I actions on CAD. This presentation will provide an overview of the CAD knowledge base and key outcomes from other harmonization-related activities of the project on methodologies or description of use cases.

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