Headline Partner


Unipart are uniquely positioned in the EV market, being both a manufacturer and an end-to-end logistics partner. Within Logistics we provide safe storage, compliance, packaging and carrier management for the EV industry. Our storage sites all include temperature monitoring and are managed by dangerous goods experts. We are fully compliant with air freight regulations from IATA.  Safety is a key element when it comes to handling, moving, and storing EV batteries, our International Safety Awards success is in no small part due to our focus on the electrification of the automotive industry.

Another unique part of our EV offering is Hyperbat, Unipart Manufacturing’s joint venture with Williams Advanced Engineering. This provides UK-based battery technology, and the capability to serve international markets using state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and digital technologies.  

With the second life of EV batteries being an increasing challenge for OEMs, the industry needs to develop the infrastructure to handle the volume of damaged, faulty or obsolete batteries projected to be returned in the next decade and beyond. We are taking on the challenge of the second life of EV batteries, bringing our expertise in forward and reverse logistics, and harnessing Unipart’s battery manufacturing and supply chain experience.

For more information on our logistics offering vitsit our website: https://www.unipart.com/logistics/

For more information on our manufacturing offering visit our website:


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