Modern 100% Low-floor Tramcar for Turkey
Rolling Stock
CRRC Tangshan designed and manufactured five sets of modern 100% low-floor tramcar for Metropolitan Municipality of Samsun, Turkey. The tramcar is a new kind of urban rail transit equipments featuring high-tech and environmental friendly.
The tramcar is configured with 4 modules, i.e. =Mc*M-Tp*Mc=. The tramcar has the advantages of higher gradient climbing ability and smaller radius of curve negotiating. The tramcar is equipped with super-capacitor and traction storage battery, so it can run without pantograph contacting catenary. When the tramcar is braking, the energy resulted from regenerative brake can be saved in storage battery and super-capacitor. The tramcar adopts CAN vehicle bus with sufficient function redundancy and backup. The traction inverter adopts IGBT module. The traction motor is three-phase AC asynchronous motor. The brake is achieved by electro-hydraulic brake system.