Brand- Supplier Partnership For Driving Supply-Chain Performance - Dr. Rajesh Bheda, CEO and Managing Director, Rajesh Bheda Consulting

Brand- Supplier Partnership For Driving Supply-Chain Performance - Dr. Rajesh Bheda, CEO and Managing Director, Rajesh Bheda Consulting

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 10:10 AM to 11:10 AM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
ManufacturingSupply Chain ManagementTechnology


The need for partnership between brands and suppliers has become even more relevant due to the Pandemic. While the industry explores the ways to bounce back, there is a lot that can be done collectively to improve the supply chain performance. In this session, Dr. Bheda will share case studies on how collaborative solutions have resulted in significant improvement and how these can be leveraged in future.  

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