Future Consumer - Influence on Retail in 2021.- Erick Smet, Senior Trend Analyst at TrendWatching – Amsterdam

Future Consumer - Influence on Retail in 2021.- Erick Smet, Senior Trend Analyst at TrendWatching – Amsterdam

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
Market IntelligenceTrend Forecast


Events of 2020 have had a fundamental impact on consumers’ lives. Erick will examine 7 basic human needs heightened by the pandemic and other events, which are health & wellbeing, connection, convenience, peace of mind, entertainment, trust and fairness. What trends have emerged trend will be contextualised with innovations from the fashion industry and/ or the region. This way the insights will have both a global scope, as well as local implications. 

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