Death and dignity. How health care systems can be transformed to bring dignity and healing to moments of death and grief.

Death and dignity. How health care systems can be transformed to bring dignity and healing to moments of death and grief.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)


When we think about healthcare, we think about extending one’s lifespan and improving one’s quality of life. Healthcare has thus become synonymous with delaying or avoiding death. However, death is inevitable for all us and healthcare can also play a role in bringing dignity and healing to moments of death and grief. 

In this open and courageous conversation, we will hear from two Ashoka Fellows who have been working on this aspect of healthcare - Claudia Ravaldi and Pawel Grabowski.  Claudia is equipping medical professionals, teachers and communities in Italy and other European countries with the empathy-based tools needed to help parents cope with losses due to stillbirth. Pawel is leading citizens and policymakers in Europe towards models of palliative and hospice care in rural areas that amplify the quality of life, even at its end. This session will be moderated by Archana Sinha, from Ashoka.

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