Help Desk
Each year we celebrate with an international community and try to be there for everyone during the whole time. But we are just humans and must sleep from time to time. The Helpdesk is there for you each day 10AM – 8PM CET. We are going to answer your questions as soon as we are back!
Welcome! You found the Helpdesk of the Online Festival Platform for Ars Electronica 2021!
Do you have any questions?
Find some links below directing to our collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Ars Electronica related pages and the Privacy Policy of Swapcard.
Check the free catalogue downloads we offer to our digital community or get detailed information on topics of your interest on our Ars Electronica Blog.
You don’t find what you are looking for? Please don’t hesitate to contact us in the Live-Chat to your right ->
You like to keep the catalogue with you while exploring the program of A New Digital Deal? Check the free Downloads we support to our digital community! Intensified Information about specific Topics you find in the catalogue and festival program is posted in the new Ars Electronica Blog.
Our Festival spirit supports inclusive and respectful interaction within all community members. In case of harassment or abusive behavior, or if there’s something else you don’t feel comfortable addressing yourself: Please contact our team at festival@ars.electronica.art
Appreciate the Ars Electronica Community!
The rules contained in this Code of Conduct apply to everyone who participates in the Ars Electronica Festival, including all guests, speakers, performers, and staff. The rules contained in this Code of Conduct are not meant to replace any applicable legal rules.
Please treat everyone in an inclusive and respectful way and without any distinction in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, religion, age, physical appearance and body size, language spoken, culture, education and immigration or economic status. Respect, honesty, and confidentiality are the basic values of our daily work. We strongly condemn any kind of discrimination.
Be intentional with your words by abstaining from hate speech or actions of any kind, including the abuse of chat functions.
Act respectfully with moderators, artists, and audience members by refraining from sustained disruption of screenings, sessions, talks, or other events.
The work of artists and the privacy of participants of the festival should remain protected, therefore we reject unauthorized recordings or screenshots of images or video. Any infringement may be prosecuted by the rights holders.
In case of harassment or abusive behavior, or if there’s something else you don’t feel comfortable addressing yourself: Contact our team at festival@ars.electronica.art!