AI - What is it Really? And Why Should I Care?

AI - What is it Really? And Why Should I Care?

Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM · 44 min. (America/New_York)
St. Johns 30-31


Are you on the fence about AI? Have you asked yourself what difference it makes whether you use it or not? Avid AI enthusiast and self described techno-junkie Christian Watts will guide you through the basics of AI, why it has become such a hot topic, how it might impact your business, and maybe even why you should care about it. You'll learn what AI can do and what it can't and that it's not all about writing essays or drawing pictures. You'll walk away having a better understanding of AI and that, for sure, will make you a hit at any cocktail party.

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