Sponsored Demo Lab: Sojern - Data. What is it, and how can you use it to drive direct ticket sales to your website, not OTAs.

Sponsored Demo Lab: Sojern - Data. What is it, and how can you use it to drive direct ticket sales to your website, not OTAs.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM · 29 min. (America/New_York)
Gatlin A-3
Sponsored Lab


Data is such a hot button topic these days, but what exactly is data and why is it important for attraction marketers? In this hands-on workshop with Sojern, a digital marketing platform for travel brands, we’ll walk you through what data is, why it is important, how to use it to grow your brand and most importantly, drive ticket sales directly to your website so you can own the guest experience.

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