Automated Part Measurement



Automate small part measurement with a Q-Span® Workstation Kit for URe collaborative robots.  

The do-it-yourself robotic inspection tool lets QC teams automate part handling, digital caliper measurements and data logging. Automation dramatically improves consistency and repeatability.   

Pick, measure, and place parts with one robotic workstation.  

  • Pick small parts with the robotic gripper/calipers
  • Measure multiple dimensions in rapid succession, with up to three gripper/calipers on one robot
  • Place parts sorted by measurements (pass/fail, bin)
  • Record measurement data for statistical analysis and process control

Flexible automation, fast ROI

The workstation is easy to set up and easy to reconfigure. It fits easily into existing work spaces and workflows. It delivers ROI in less than 10 months. Ideal for high-mix, small-batch manufacturing.

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