Navigating the Privacy Maze and the Rise of Data Clean Rooms
Main Conference
It’s unlikely you’ve managed to avoid a conversation in the past few months where “privacy” or “data clean rooms (DCR)“ was not brought up at least once, and usually in an excited yet slightly confused tone. So what is this strange, hygienic chamber of data everyone’s talking about?
It’s no secret that the mobile ecosystem has changed exponentially in the last few years as a result of the surge in data limiting, privacy-centric regulation that is being introduced.
So in this brave new world, companies are increasingly looking towards DCRs for effective ways to collect, share and analyse data for the purposes of marketing, without compromising on privacy.
Join AppsFlyer as we take you on a journey through:
- The ever-changing privacy landscape
- The impact and challenges this has on marketers
- The emerging importance of data clean rooms and how to take advantage
Attendee In-Person

Darren Elliott
Senior Director of Sales - UK & CEAppsFlyerRegistered attendees

Jimmy Davis
Head of MarketingMindLabs