US Patent Office & Federal Laboratories: Resources for Success

US Patent Office & Federal Laboratories: Resources for Success

Thursday, March 14, 2024 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM · 50 min. (America/Los_Angeles)
Meeting Room 315
Breakout Session 2 1:30-2:20
Best PracticesInnovation


This session will introduce attendees to resources that exist within federal agencies to support technology development, intellectual property protection, and funding opportunities through Small Business Innovative research (SBIR).

Federal Laboratory Consortium: Connecting w/ the Federal Laboratory Ecosystem Experts from federal laboratories and the FLC (Federal Laboratory Consortium) discuss technology development and commercialization opportunities and capabilities for entrepreneurs looking to leverage the federal laboratory ecosystem as part of their go-to-market strategy.

US Patent and Trademark Office and US Copyright Office: Protecting Your Creativity and Innovation Patent, trademark, and copyright subject matter experts share useful information about intellectual property protections for entrepreneurs, as well as resources and initiatives from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and USCO (US Copyright Office).

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