MRSC Rosters: The Tale of Two Perspectives

MRSC Rosters: The Tale of Two Perspectives

Meeting Room 316
Breakout Session 3
Agency informationBest PracticesPublic Works


MRSC Rosters is the only directory in Washington State to connect businesses with over 650 public agencies for small public works projects, consulting opportunities, and goods and services.

If you are a public agency, the MRSC Rosters provides access to over 5,000 businesses to complete a project.

If you are a business, there are over 20,000 job opportunities every year.

This session will provide an overview on how the Rosters program connects the needs of both public agencies and businesses to contracting opportunities.

After this session, the following questions will be answered for both public agencies and businesses:

  • What does it take to sign up?
  • Which roster do I want?
  • How do I pick a category of work?
  • Where do notification occur for opportunities?
  • How does a project get completed?
Lisa Lagerstrom

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