Natasha Tetruyeva


About me

Founder and creator of the team, which built a sustainable SaaS business model for education. Under Nataliya’s leadership, eKidz has established success in German elementary school classrooms, accelerated the project into international markets and become a partner of both Microsoft and Apple Education teams globally. She has led eKidz to recognition as one of the 200 Elite EdTechs in the GSV Cup 2023, along with an accolade as the startup which has the greatest potential to positively impact millions of children by UNICEF. Nataliya leads all the product innovation efforts. She is responsible for the eKidz R&D partnerships with top European Universities and the Fraunhofer Institute in the development of automatic oral reading scoring for young students. She also heads the strategic development of the company in its home market of Germany, as well as globally. Nataliya has extended eKidz into tech social enterprises and Emergency contexts. One such example is the NGO, Ukrainian Smile, which Nataliya founded at the onset of the Ukrainian invasion by Russia. The NGO, Ukrainian Smile works closely with eKidz, as EdTech is optimal in the catch-up and support of millions of students who have not been able to return to classrooms as a result of the security situation around combat areas.
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Is speaking at

Reading Proficiency for Diverse Students with AI-Guided Literacy Applications

Monday, April 15, 2024 10:35 AM to 10:45 AM
Exhibit Hall B1, Launch Pad Stage, Level 1
Natasha Tetruyeva ·
Dr. Bernd Nuss ·