AIA Booth


The AIA Booth will be the destination for the AIA community to connect, learn about member benefits, discover products and services, and learn about AIA's new Global Campus for Architecture & Design, opening in 2025. Check out the networking schedule.

AIA Booth Networking Schedule


Small Firm Meetup

Thu, 10-11am

Research Panelists Meetup

Thu, 1-1:45

Participants in the AIA Work-on-the-Boards (ABI) and Home Design Trends Survey panels are invited to chat with the AIA Economics & Market Research staff. Chat with us about the projects your firm is working on, the latest trends in custom residential design, and how your firm is navigating the economy. Join us at the Research Panelists meetup at the AIA Booth.

Meet AIA International

Thu, 4pm-4:45

Want to engage with the AIA outside the US? AIA International is a thriving network of 7 Chapters and 5 Sections, spanning 100 countries, from East Asia to Latin America. Meet leaders of the international member community and find out how you can get involved at the AIA Booth!


Thu, 5pm-5:30

Join us at the AIA Booth where the LGBTQIA+ community and AIA LGBTQIA+ Alliances located in 9 local AIA components from across the country will converge. Come connect with leadership, be inspired by local programming, and learn how you can get involved with a growing community!


Young Architects Forum Meetup

Fri, 10-10:45

2030 Commitment Signatory Firms Meetup

Fri, 1-1:45

Is your firm a 2030 Commitment signatory? Come join 2030 staff and members and connect with fellow signatories to further discuss Design Data Exchange (DDx) reporting strategies, creating or updating your Sustainability Action Plan, or if you’re a new signatory, how to get started with the program. We also welcome potential new signatories to come, ask questions and learn how to sign on.

Meet the AIA Strategic Council

Fri, 2-2:45

Interested in discovering more about the AIA Strategic Council? Join us at the AIA Booth where you can engage in conversation with council members and delve into their focus for the year. Explore the Five (5) study groups: Equity, Climate, Wellbeing, AI, and Value of Architecture.

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