3M Building Renovations


Bring buildings to life exactly as you intended with durable, conformable 3M™ Architectural Finishes. Our high-quality products made with proprietary film, adhesive, coating, and embossing technologies offer a sustainable way to reinvent a space or furniture without sacrificing your vision. With 3M™ Architectural Finishes, you get design flexibility and creative freedom using the latest technology. When tenants complain about rooms being too hot or building owners’ energy costs are too high, 3M™ Window Films can help increase tenant comfort, conserve energy and some even increase safety and security. Our films offer enhanced protection from accidents, natural disasters, break and entry and flying glass fragments. They could also simply help upgrade glass to code. Come by the 3M booth for demonstrations and you will see and feel the difference. Visit us at www.3M.com/Renovation for 3M™ Architectural Finishes and www.3M.com/WindowFilms for 3M™ Window Films
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