AI Apps - Building a Lead Scoring App With H2O Wave (Workshop)

AI Apps - Building a Lead Scoring App With H2O Wave (Workshop)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


H2O Wave is an open-source Python development framework that makes it fast and easy to develop real-time interactive AI apps with sophisticated visualizations.

Join Michelle Gabriele Tanco, Product Manager and Data Scientist at, for an exclusive workshop, where she will walk you through how Apps are made, as well as how easy AI apps are for everyone to use with H2O Wave. Below are some of the topics that she will explore:

- Introduction to H2O Wave and AI Apps

- H2O AutoML capabilities

- A hands-on demo on how to build a lead scoring model with H2O AutoML capabilities and a front end for business users to access the value of that model. This applications allows the user to pull real-time data from Salesforce to generate descriptive and predictive insights to identify good leads and investigate sales opportunities 

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