Cloud Backup free for 3 months
Special Offers
Secure your business during this time of uncertainty and back up important data automatically with Cloud Backup free for 3 months. After 3 months, Cloud Backup is available for as low as $9/month with no contract.
Help protect your servers, applications, databases, and devices such as computers and laptops.
Get Cloud Backup for free. Contact your SaskTel Representative or call 1.844.SASKTEL (1.844.727.5835) for details.
Offer may end at any time. After 3 months, regular pricing for Cloud Backup applies. Available to new Cloud Backup business customers only. Available as a monthly rental service only and includes up to 5 endpoints and 1 TB of backup storage with single copy and 30-day retention period. Self-install only. Customers must agree to the terms and conditions of the service contract.
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