The Co-op Grow Team, consisting of 350+ agronomic specialists across Western Canada, delivers a wide selection of crop inputs and solutions for today’s progressive farmer. Our trusted advisors offer the following products and services:
Agronomic Services:
-Crop nutrition
-Crop planning
-Variable-rate fertilizer and seeding prescriptions powered by Decisive Farming
-Data management
-Crop scouting and recommendations
Crop Nutrition:
-Liquid and granular fertilizers
-Micronutrients and inoculants
-Custom blends and direct-to-farm deliveries
*(Services vary depending on location)
Crop Protection:
-Integrated pest management
-Private Label Products
-Certified seed (cereals, flax, soybeans and pulses)
-Canola and corn hybrids
Grown with Purpose:
GROWN WITH PURPOSE is a results-driven agronomic program delivered by the Co-op Grow Team. With our boots on the ground, we take a deep dive into your operation to build a blueprint for a thriving farm business — one that improves productivity today while promoting a healthy environment for tomorrow. About the program:
Evaluate on-farm practices:
-A comprehensive review of your planning, use of crop inputs and safe work practices will identify strategies to improve performance.
Plan for continual improvement:
-Set benchmarks and establish short — and long-term goals to optimize production and profitability as well as soil health.
Demonstrate leadership in farm stewardship:
-Show your community — and consumers — that your crops are nutritious, safe and produced with practices that are mindful of air, soil and water quality.
Our fertilizer facilities, located in Hanley, Sask., Brandon, Man., and the newest terminal in Grassy Lake, Alta. warehouse, blend and distribute a full suite of crop-nutrition products.
Contact your local Co-op for more details.
More Info
Ag ServicesCrop ProtectionFertilizers, Storage and EquipmentSeedSeed Treatments and InoculantsSeeding and PlantingSpraying and Tillage