Soil Testing and Analysis
Soil tests are a valuable agronomic resource if they are fully used and properly understood. Plant nutrition and plant to soil interactions are complex mechanism with several environmental and external conditions affecting the process. There are many elements involved in plant nutrition, some of which are supplied naturally that we have little control over such as temperature and moisture, and many that are supplied by soil and or by fertilizer applications such as the major macro nutrients.
It is important when interpreting soil analysis and designing a fertility program to keep balanced nutrition, source, timing and proper placement of these nutrients in mind.
Learn more about Soil Testing: https://www.aginmotion.alcanada.com/soil
View A&L's Western Canada Test Packages: https://www.alcanada.com/content/solutions/soil-analysis
SW1B2: Organic Matter, Phosphorus(sodium bicarb and bray 1),exchangeable Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Soil pH, Buffer pH, Aluminum, Hydrogen, C.E.C., percent base saturation of cation elements, K/Mg ratio, Sulphur, Nitrate
SW: Organic Matter, Phosphorus (sodium bicarb and bray 1), exchangeable Potassium,Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Soil pH, Buffer pH, Aluminum, Hydrogen, C.E.C., percent saturation of cation elements, K/Mg ratio, Sulphur, Nitrate, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron
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