

A highly plant available form of phosphate delivered in furrow at the time of seeding. 1. SEED-PLACED LIQUID ORTHOPHOSPHATE • No conversion or dissolving required • Immediately available in cold soils • Increased root mass 2. NPK ANALYSIS WITH MICRONUTRIENTS • Proven enhanced P uptake with a complete NPK starter • Micronutrients available at germination • Complete starter nutrition 3. CONVENIENT LOW RATE • Air drill capacity increased • Less storage and handling • Seed more acres per day 4. QUALITY PRODUCT • Low salt index • Low impurity levels • Non corrosive • Overwinters in cold climates 5. HIGHER RETURNS • Western Canadian trials show higher bushels per acre • More efficient nutrient utilization per dollar 6. APPLICATION KIT EXPANDS CROP HEALTH • Most efficient micronutrient placement method • Easy addition of biologicals, fungicides or insecticides • Allows for in furrow inoculant injection
Fertilizers, Storage and Equipment

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