Corteva Roundtable: Raising the Bar on Insect Control in Cereals, Peas, and Lentils
Click here to join the roundtable: https://zoom.us/j/99595422438
This Roundtable sessions will provide a description of current (prior to this year) insecticide seed treatment market / insect populations in western Canada – especially wireworm. Allan will introduce Lumivia CPL – a new MOA insecticide seed treatment specializing in reduction of wireworm, cutworm, armyworm, and pea leaf weevil populations in western Canada – and discuss why it is a revolutionary new technology for insect control in cereals, peas and lentils. The visual and quantitative findings of 2019 Lumivia CPL Western Canada Demonstration program, including Granular satellite imagery and plant count data, will be shared as well as a report on Lumivia CPL first year sales and performance in the field.