Crop Plot Tour: Canterra and ALPINE

Friday, July 24, 2020 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Crop Plot Tour


Join Lorri Keyowski, Canterra Seeds’ Director of Sales,  to learn who Canterra is and why a small Canadian company owned by seed growers is a reliable and responsive partner to farmers. Keyowski will detail the strategic alliances forged with other companies to bring top-notch genetics to the Prairies, focusing on canola and corn hybrids and the latest from their cereals breeding program.

Take an in-depth look at Alpine Solutions’ G22 liquid starter fertilizer, K-Tech technology and new foliar fertilizers F18 Max and K20-S as you walk the Ag in Motion 2020 Alpine crop plots with Blake Weatherald, a regional sales manager for the company.

During this crop tour, Weatherald discusses what makes Alpine’s G22 fertilizer a unique product. He also has footage from this year’s AIM plot showing trials of treated versus untreated plots and those treated with a dry starter product.

In addition, Weatherald explains how the patent pending K-Tech technology works in the company’s new foliar fertilizers F18 Max and K20-S. As Weatherald walks us through footage from this year’s AIM plots, he discusses the uses and benefits of these new products.

Canterra starts at 0:38; ALPINE starts at 6:42  

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