Crop Plot Tour: Bayer Crop Science
Thursday, July 23, 2020 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Crop Plot Tour
Join Tim Gardner, a professional market development agronomist for Bayer Crop Science, in a plot tour exploring high priorities for Bayer Crop Science’s canola breeding program, such as disease, pod shatter resistance and herbicide systems. Gardner discusses how the TruFlex canola system, which is built on Roundup Ready technology, allows farmers far more flexibility when it comes to spray rates and timing.
Gardner also walks you through additional systems, traits and product lines coming to farms soon, such as canola hybrids with straight cut ability (pod shatter resistance) in combination with clubroot resistance. Also, dual trait canola, allowing the combination of two different herbicide systems, is discussed, among other products in the pipeline.
Why Buteo Start, a new insecticide seed treatment for flea beetle control, is unique, and its key attributes will be covered in this plot tour. Additionally, Gardner will reveal and discuss a new fusarium head blight product currently under assessment by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency.