Crop Plot Tour: Nutrien Ag Solutions
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Crop Plot Tour
The problem with a solution we want to preserve. Wheat midge is found everywhere wheat is grown. The financial impact on western Canadian growers comes from yield, bushel weight and grading factors on their wheat samples. The impact can reach into the billions in high infestation years. Up until recently, most wheat varieties were susceptible to wheat midge.
With grading losses showing at populations as low as 1 midge per 8 to 10 plants, understanding the cycle of this pest and the great genetic tool that plant breeders have developed to mitigate its impacts is key to maximizing yield and quality in wheat.
Join Nutrien Ag Solutions on a virtual tour to talk about wheat midge and the stewardship strategy needed to preserve this essential tool. Look at the current varietal blends growing today on the Ag in Motion site in Saskatoon. See if you can visually pick out the refuge plants in the blends!
Hosted by two of Nutrien Ag Solutions™ Managers of Agronomic services and capped off by Proven® Seed representative Curtis Viergutz this is tour that will resonate with every wheat grower.