Salinity – The Bad and Ugly of Soils
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 10:00 PM to 10:30 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Knowledge Centre
Water and Soil
Salinity is not a new problem on the Canadian prairies, but it is one that can be overlooked in management practices. The inclusion of saline areas in normal cropping practices on your farm may be a drain on resources that do not provide any return on efforts or inputs.
Lyle Cowell and Brianna Lummerding, Managers of Agronomic Services for Nutrien Ag Solutions™ in Northern Saskatchewan will review the scope of the issue in western Canada and discuss management options that can turn low or non-productive saline areas into breakeven or profitable areas.
Join Lyle and Brianna for an informative session on the how saline soils develop and some strategies to manage the salts in the soil profile and the money spent on unproductive areas.