WADO’s Virtual Tour 2020: Crop Research & Opportunities in Southwest Manitoba

WADO’s Virtual Tour 2020: Crop Research & Opportunities in Southwest Manitoba

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Knowledge Centre
Living Labs


Join Scott Chalmers, diversification specialist, for a presentation and tour of several projects currently underway at the Westman Agricultural Diversification Organization (WADO). WADO is a non-profit applied research group located in Melita, and one of four Diversification Centres in Manitoba. It is directed by a producer based board of directors who reside in SW Manitoba. Chalmers and his team conduct unbiased crop research on most crops, including novel crops new to the area. WADO studies crop varieties, cropping systems such as rotations and intercrops, as well as conventional trials with pesticides, and basic agronomy work. Successful novel crops studied include hemp, quinoa, hairy vetch, and camelina. Projects blend the strategic initiatives of the WADO board and the province of Manitoba, with funding provided in part by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership and Manitoba’s Agricultural Sustainability Initiative.
Yara CanadaYara Canada - Virtual BoothYara grows knowledge to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet. Supporting our vision of a world without hunger, we pursue a strategy of sustainable value growth, promoting climate-friendly and high-yielding crop nutrition solutions for the world’s farming community and food industry. Yara has operated in Canada for more than 20 years and our presence includes the Belle Plaine facility, one of North America’s newest nitrogen fertilizer facilities and one of the largest single line granulation facilities on the continent. Yara also recently established an 80-acre Incubator Farm in Saskatoon in partnership with Glacier Farm Media Discovery Plus to study and advance all aspects of crop nutrition. Check out the announcement for more information:  https://www.yaracanada.ca/news-and-events/news/discovery-farm-partnership/  We have a team across Western Canada committed to supporting our customers and increasing grower profitability through a comprehensive crop nutrition portfolio and more than 100 years of global and regional agronomic insights. See below some of the recent newsletters sharing the team's insights: Make Sulphur Work for You with YaraVera AMIDAS https://www.yaracanada.ca/crop-nutrition/better-nitrogen-utilization-with-sulphur-yaravera-amidas/ Micronutrient Decifiencies in Western Canada https://www.yaracanada.ca/crop-nutrition/micronutrient-deficiencies-western-canada/ Audio Newsletter: Foliar Nutrition with YaraVita FLEX https://www.yaracanada.ca/crop-nutrition/audio-newsletter-yaravita-flex/

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