Field of Stars, Presented by Bayer
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM · 2 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
These are uncertain times for many of us. One thing is certain though and that is STARS is still flying and caring for critically ill and injured patients across the prairies, an average of eight times a day.
Many of our fundraising events have been postponed or cancelled, leaving a gap in our ability to raise funds through the spring and summer.
With the uncertanity of the future of events and gatherings, and the urgency of our need to still fundraise, we have made the decision to transform Field of STARS, Presented by Bayer to a live streamed and radio broadcasted fundraiser.
On July. 21, 2020, please join us for our Virtual Field of STARS, Presented by Bayer fundraiser, where you can watch the live streamed fundraiser online or by tuning into Saskatoon Media Group and listening live.
Fundraising Features:
Online timed Industry & Lifestyle online auction in partnership with Ritchie Bros. Link to the online timed auction: https://www.rbauction.com/heavy-equipment-auctions/saskatoon-sk-2020905
Live entertainment by https://www.thewashboardunion.com/
STARS Very Important Patient stories shared
Virtual tour of a STARS helicopter and Emergency Link Centre