Canadian Agricultural Safety Association


In an average year, Canada mourns the loss of over 100 adults and children due to agricultural fatalities. Canada’s agricultural sector is one of the most hazardous industries in which to work.

Producer groups, non-profits, government bodies, industry and researchers formed what is now the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) in 1993 to respond to issues of health and safety in agriculture.

As a national, non-profit organization, CASA promotes farm safety in the agricultural sector. CASA works with partners in government, business, and farming organizations across the country to support initiatives that equip producers, their families and their workers with the information and tools needed to make farms a safe place to live, work and play.

CASA is governed by a seven-person Board of Directors drawn from a membership base that includes individuals, organizations, governments and businesses. 

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Farm SafetyGrain Storage, Handling, Drying

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